Bill AJR201 & SJR111
About Bill AJR201 & SJR111
Bill AJR201 was introduced in the NJ General Assembly on 5th December, 2022 by the chief sponsors: Assemblywoman Ellen Park and Assemblyman John McKeon, as well as the co-sponsor Assemblywoman Mila Jasey.
Bill SJR111 (the identical Senate version of AJR201) was introduced in the NJ Senate on 19th December, 2022 by the chief sponsor: former governor Senator Richard J. Codey.
The proposed bills would name the second or third new moon after the winter solistice as Lunar New Year. It would also ask the Governor to issue a proclamation on the date annually and ask institutions of learning and culture to accompany the date with appropriate programs and activities.
For the Proposed Bill AJR201, Click Here:
For the Proposed Bill SJR111, Click Here:

SJR111 is the identical Senate version of the above AJR201.